Saturday, September 1, 2018

Anne Hathaway`s Legs and Feet in Tights 30

A couple notes..
There will be a poll tonight,and one of the choices will be brand new.I`m putting this choice in to see how she fares.I`m not sure if she`ll win(although I kinda hope she does),but who knows?She might be the celeb-of-the-weekend next,um,weekend;)
Tomorrow will be the big fourth anniversary post for this blog.By big,I mean big.125 women will be featured,from longtime favorites to recent newcomers.It`ll all be close-up pics,but they will be some of the best close-ups of the past four years.
One of the women who will be appearing in this anniversary post is Anne Hathaway,whose fifth three-post weekend comes to a close


  1. If possible for the anniversary post it would be easier if you posted the name of each woman above her pictures. Sometimes with big multi women posts its hard to remember who they all are. Thanks

    1. I will be doing the anniversary posts on both blogs exactly like that.The name of the featured woman will be above her pic.I will also be doing them in alphabetical order as well:)
