Saturday, September 7, 2019

The New Polling Format Explained

As mentioned this past week,starting tomorrow there will be a change to the weekly polls.Polls will now conisist of three women going for their first ever three post weekends,and three women who have won polls before going for yet another weekend.I`m no longer keeping track of how many times a repeat winner has won,so do expect to see some women who have already won the poll six times or more pop up every now and then.

One thing I am keeping track of,however,is if someone has qualified for the 2019 Pantyhose Queen poll.If the poll features someone who has yet to qualify for the big dance in December,then there will be an asterisk next to her name.All six of the choices in tomorrow`s poll have yet to qualify,so someone will definitely be getting in this coming week.

Aside from that,nothing else is changing.Polls will still begin on Sunday evenings and end on Friday mornings.If you have any additional questions,feel free to email me:)

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