Friday, December 20, 2019

The Week Ahead

A small heads up for the upcoming holiday week
Sunday-The winner of the 2019 Pantyhose Queen poll will be announced in a morning post.Her special "Best of" post will go up during the afternoon,and both of her brand-new posts will go up back-to-back(within about 5-10 minutes of each other)that evening.There`s still time to vote,so if you haven`t voted yet,you better hurry and do so before Sunday morning!
Monday-A one post day.It will be a Christmas themed post with old and new pics.Post goes up in the evening.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day-no posts
Thursday-New post.Will be up in the evening
Friday and Saturday-Standard two-post days.
The weekly polls return on Sunday,December 28th.I should also announce that beginning in January,the last poll of the month will be a special "Lucky 7" poll.The women in those polls will be going for their 7th three-post weekend.

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