Friday, May 29, 2020

Back Early from Vacation

Hi,miss me?
Well,I still technically have a couple days of vacation left but it`s now more or less a staycation.
Story time!As you probably know,I was on a camping trip and it was going quite well.Caught some fish,enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature,and got a little bit of a tan as well.My original plan was to begin the trip home early tomorrow afternoon as it`s a three-hour drive.However yesterday,I heard on the radio yesterday afternoon(I brought a weather radio with me)that heavy rains and thunderstorms were expected to move into the area this morning with the possibility of some minor flooding.It was at this point I had to make a decision.I could remain there as planned and risk getting soaked,or just head on back home a day early.Thankfully,common sense won over my manhood and this morning,as the rains were starting to fall,I got everything packed up,hopped in the car,and made the voyage home.It did indeed rain as hard as they said it would.I had to stop a couple times on the way due to the rain but I arrived home about an hour ago safe,sound,and for the most part,dry.
Now,does this mean you`ll still have to wait until Sunday for a blog post?Nope.I am currently scouring the net to find stuff for the blogs tonight,and will have some stuff on the blog tomorrow as well.A post should be on the blog tonight a little around or after 7PM EST.

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