Thursday, July 29, 2021

Paris Hilton`s Legs and Feet in Tights 43

 Paris Hilton looking perfect in pantyhose.


  1. Not a fan of Paris Hilton as a person but god damn! She wears nothing but fishnets, tights and pantyhose these days. 100% support that side of her.

  2. I've had weird dreams about her towering over an entire city, the city physically at her feet, the tallest skyscraper no taller than one of her amazingly stiletto heels, as she glares down from us upon high dressed as Alice from Wonderland (that she loves to wear) and and says "God I love being big and me, in these sexy stockings, shame none of you are going be around long enough to enjoy me!" With that she lifts up her high heel and steps down and everything goes blank.
