Friday, June 3, 2022


Miss me?

I am currently sitting in a restaurant that has free wi-fi.I am on my way home from vacation.Other than having to deal with mosquitos(thank God for insect repellent),it was great.But I missed you guys and girls,and I know you`re looking forward to new blog posts.

Which leads me to I type this post,it is 11:30 AM EST and I have a six-hour drive home ahead of me(and that`s not counting traffic and stops for gas).While there won`t be a post this evening,they will resume tomorrow as planned,and there`s a chance you might be getting at least two(one in the afternoon,and the other one later in the day).Plus,the polls will return on Sunday as well.

So,hang tight...I`ll be back with more celebrities and pro wrestlers in pantyhose tomorrow.See you then:)

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