Saturday, August 27, 2022

Anniversary Week Plans

 As mentioned earlier,next Monday(Labor Day)will be the eighth anniversaries for both of my blogs.As is custom every year,there will be big anniversary posts to mark the occasion.Usually,I gather up some of the best pics from throughout the years for these posts.I`ll be doing that again this year,but since neither blog would exist this long without support from you guys and girls,I want you to help put these posts together.

Now,the usual suspects for these posts(Jessica Alba,Selena Gomez,Ariana Grande,Sasha Banks,Becky Lynch,Nikki Bella,etc)will be in them.The pics I plan to use for them might very well be your favorites,but if you have other favorite pictures of these or other women that you don`t think will get in,send them!

Or if there`s been someone who has made her debut on one or both blogs that you`d like to see as part of this post,send a pic or let me know who it is!

How do you do this?There`s two options,and you can email me at with either(or even both)ones.

1.If there`s pics of a celebrity and/or wrestler you really like on the blogs,you can either send the pics or tell me which post(s) they can be found.If you send the pics,you can send as many as you want and of as many women as you want.Just please make sure that the pictures are both a full body image and the corresponding close-up that goes with it

2.If there`s a specific celeb and/or wrestler you want in the post,but you don`t really care which picture I use as long as she gets in,just tell me who it is.You can offer as many suggestions as you want.The only requirement is that it must be ladies who have had posts on the blogs

I will be taking suggestions until next Saturday,and I will also announce what kind of format the anniversary posts will use.I look forward to hearing from you:)

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