Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mid-Week Pantyhose Queen Poll Update

 We are halfway through the first round of voting for the 2022 Pantyhose Queen Poll.Here`s an update on where things stand so far

Group A-Holly Willoughby is close to clinching this group.But Zendaya and last year`s winner,Kelsey Kernstine are gaining traction as well

Group B-Scarlett Johansson has pretty much clinched this group and will be off to the semi-finals

Group C-Much like ScarJo,Dua Lipa is also a lock for the semi-finals

Group D-This is another interesting one.Anne Hathaway currently leads,but Selena Gomez isn`t too far behind.If Anne is able to secure about for or five more votes,she will be heading to the next round.

So that`s where we are at the moment.As always,things can(and possibly will)change between now and Sunday,but if they don`t the semi-final round will be

Pairing A-Holly Willoughby Vs.Scarlett Johansson

Pairing B-Dua Lipa Vs. Anne Hathaway

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