Friday, June 2, 2023

Guess Who`s Back?

 Yep,it would indeed be me.Back from a week of fishing,hiking and getting eaten by bugs(PROTIP:When going camping,always remember the insect repellent).

But enough about my yearly adventures in the wilderness.It`s been a long week without any new pics of celebs or pro wrestlers in pantyhose on the blogs.You need only wait until tomorrow afternoon for that as I am gathering pics as we speak...and there will be a second post later in the day too.Polls will make their return on Sunday.

I`d also like to apologize for not letting everyone know that I`d be setting comments to moderation before I left.I did that so spam wouldn`t litter the blogs in my absence.All comments this week have been approved and moderation has been turned off.So you won`t have to wait before your comment(s)get posted!

So I am going to get things ready for tomorrow.See you all then:)

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