Wednesday, November 29, 2023

2023 Pantyhose Queen Poll Mid-Week Update

 We`re halfway through the first week of voting in this year`s Pantyhose Queen Poll,and the semi-final round(which starts Sunday)is starting to take shape

Group A-Anne Hathaway,last year`s winner,pretty much is leading by a landslide and is definitely on her way to the next round

Group B-Kate Middleton has a nice little lead and looks to be on her way to the semi-finals

Group C-Much like Anne Hathaway,Dua Lipa has a commanding lead and is more or less a lock to advance.This will mark the third straight year Dua has gotten to the semi-finals.

Group D-Sabrina Carpenter leads and looks like she`ll be in the next round

As always,things can,and possibly will change before Sunday but if they stay the way they are your semi-final round will be..

Pairing A-Anne Hathaway Vs. Kate Middleton

Pairing B-Dua Lipa Vs. Sabrina Carpenter

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